Saturday, March 31, 2012

Successful work party!

Here are Dick Williams and Ken Conger beating out the dents caused by the tow bar incident when we had our minor mis-hap moving to our new space last month.  They did a great job;  it looks almost good as new.  As usual, brute force prevailed over technique and training. 
Also present and accounted for were Tom Lloyd, Roger King and Everett Wood, Commandant of our local Detachment of the Marine Corps League, #1110.

On Friday March 23rd we had a very successful work party.
Six fellows showed up for coffee and doughnuts at 0900;  we had a bit of socializing then got to work.

We got several other projects started and will continue to work on them as time allows.
We really are ready for the "Lost in 50's" Parade now, but there will always be some minor tweaking to make the old beast look better or handle better.  We still need to beef up the tow bar and remove the tail wheel locking pin so we do not have a repeat of the nose-damaging  problem we had recently with the move.

Charlie is really loving her new home in the A-1 Sandpoint Helicopter Hangar.  it is warm and well lighted, with electricity available at all times. 

Today the USMC/Combat Helicopter Association newsletter "POP A SMOKE" arrived in the mail  with a small article about Charlie.  Thank you POPASMOKE editor. 

up- close of fine body work done

We will be having another work party some time soon.  All you local Charlie fans, stay tuned.
The art students from our local charter school have promised to come over right after spring break and finish up the lettering and paint the HMM-363 Red Lion logo on the nose.

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